About HS legal Solicitors

About Us

We at HS Legal Solicitors have years of experience and proven track record of providing clients with first class advice and service, enabling them to make the right decisions and helping them achieve desired outcomes.

Who we are


Our Introduction

HS Legal Solicitors first opened its doors in 2004 and since then we have provided quality legal services in the Essex area.
We combine our legal expertise with our astute commercial awareness to protect the best interests of our clients, whether those clients are businesses or private individuals.
We think its important that everyone has easy access to good quality legal services  and we pride ourselves on our approachable nature and our professional attitude to ensure the best results for our clients in all situations.

Our Mission

Our focus is to look after our clients’ interests positively, actively and professionally.
We also have a clear vision, which is to be the legal brand of choice.
Why Choose HS Legal Solicitors

Why choose us?

Our goal is to exceed the expectations of every client.

To do this, we believe that outstanding client care and service, combined with the highest quality legal advice, should be the rule and not the exception. At HS Legal Solicitors, our number one priority is you and we place quality at the forefront of everything we do.

Putting you first is a simple philosophy, but it is one that flows throughout every part of our business and underpins everything we do.

We listen to our clients, understand their needs and only then do we provide legal advice. And it is this simple approach that ensures we forge strong and close relationships with our clients that are built on trust.