Commercial Property 1

Commercial Property

Complex commercial property issues are among the many on which HS Legal Solicitors have gained substantial experience advising clients. From offices and shops to industrial facilities, shopping malls, licenced establishments, restaurants, surgical facilities, development sites, and retail parks, we represent a diverse array of clients in Colchester and throughout the United Kingdom in a variety of transactions.

At each phase of the proceedings, you will be represented by a specialised attorney to ensure a seamless and uninterrupted experience that culminates in a prompt resolution. To provide a service that is entirely efficient and transparent, we will ensure that your affairs are handled expeditiously at all times and keep you informed and current on all matters.


Commercial Property Services

New Lease

New Lease

Rent Review

Rent Review

Rent Deposit

Rent Deposit

Lease Renewals

Lease Renewals

Deed of Variation

Deed of Variations

Sale or Purchase of Commercial Freehold Property

Sale or Purchase of Commercial Freehold Property

Lease Drafting and Acquisition/Assignment of a Lease

Lease Drafting and Acquisition/Assignment of a Lease

Dealing With Forfeiture For Non-Payment of Rent or Breach of Tenant's Covenants

Dealing With Forfeiture For Non-Payment of Rent or Breach of Tenant's Covenants

Licence For Alterations

Licence For Alteration