Sponsor tips
jawad / 19.11.2023

Navigating Sponsorship in the UK: A Guide for Skilled Workers

Understanding Sponsorship Essentials

A sponsor, typically, is an enterprise ready to employ you in a skilled capacity and provide a competitive salary. This employer should hold a Skilled Worker sponsor licence. If they don’t, it’s not a deal-breaker — immigration solicitors can guide them through the process of obtaining one.

For a business to be eligible for a sponsor licence, it must be a legitimate operation with a vacancy apt for a skilled worker sponsorship. The business’s age or financial turnover isn’t a primary concern; authenticity is what matters.

Additionally, the company should have a settled person or a British citizen in a significant role, like a director or secretary, or a senior employee to act as the Authorising officer. This person will oversee adherence to Home Office regulations against illegal employment.

Evaluating Job Opportunities

Prior to job applications, ensure the role is sponsorship-eligible by referring to the Immigration Rules, Appendix Skilled Occupations.

For example, while a waiter role isn’t sponsorship-eligible, positions like a bar manager or a restaurant floor manager are. Similarly, riding instructors are not eligible, but fitness instructors are.

Adapting your job search to focus on eligible roles is key. If you have temporary work permission in the UK, you might start in a non-eligible role and work towards promotion and sponsorship.

Effective Job Searching

Rather than indiscriminately contacting every sponsor licence holder, focus your efforts on companies with advertised roles matching your skills. This mutual interest increases the chances of successful sponsorship.

Also, consult the Immigration Rules, Appendix Shortage Occupations to identify if your profession is in high demand, enhancing your sponsorship prospects.

Preparing Your Application

Familiarise yourself with the UK job application format. Craft a concise, compelling cover letter and CV, demonstrating your understanding of the company’s needs and how you can contribute.

If your application resonates, you’ll likely be invited for an interview, leading to a potential job offer detailing the role, responsibilities, hours, and salary.

Avoiding Scams

Be wary of “agents” promising visas and jobs. A Skilled Worker visa cannot be “bought.” Engage directly with employers for authentic job offers. Legal or in-house personnel often handle the visa application process.

Employers should not request payments for any “favours.” The only costs should be the visa application fee and the Immigration Health Surcharge, without any additional “agency” or “job offer” fees.

By following these guidelines, your search for a suitable sponsor should be more focused and effective.