Work Related Training Visit Visa

Work Related Training Visit Visa

The Work Related Training Visit Visa caters to individuals who have completed their education in medical, dental, or nursing schools abroad, as well as to employees of foreign companies, organizations, and training institutions. This visa allows them to undertake unpaid work-related training activities in the UK for a period of up to 6 months.

This visa falls under the Standard Visitor route, which is intended for individuals who want to visit the UK for a temporary period of up to 6 months. It's important to note that this route does not lead to settlement in the UK, and all visitors must submit a separate application, even if they are traveling as part of a group.

Work Related Training Visit Visa

The Work Related Training Visit Visa caters to individuals who have completed their education in medical, dental, or nursing schools abroad, as well as to employees of foreign companies, organizations, and training institutions. This visa allows them to undertake unpaid work-related training activities in the UK for a period of up to 6 months.

This visa falls under the Standard Visitor route, which is intended for individuals who want to visit the UK for a temporary period of up to 6 months. It's important to note that this route does not lead to settlement in the UK, and all visitors must submit a separate application, even if they are traveling as part of a group.

Work Related Training Visit Visa Requirements

To be eligible for a Work Related Training Visit Visa, you must demonstrate to UK Visas & Immigration that:

  • You hold a visa national status, which allows you to apply for entry as a Visitor upon reaching the UK border.
  • Your purpose for entering the UK aligns with the permitted visitor routes
  • You will refrain from engaging in any prohibited activities during your stay
  • You possess adequate funds to cover all expenses related to your visit, including travel, maintenance, and accommodation, without relying on work or public funds
  • Your intention is to depart the UK upon the conclusion of your visit
  • You do not plan to reside in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits, nor establish the UK as your primary residence
  • Your application does not meet the requirements for denial according to the standard reasons for rejection.
  • If necessary, you have secured an Electronic Travel Authorisation for entry into the UK.

The particular requirements you need to fulfill may vary depending on your unique circumstances. It may be beneficial to consult with a professional immigration solicitor for specialised guidance.

Requirement for Visa Nationals

A Visit Visa is required for visa nationals to enter the UK as a Visitor due to their nationality. Visa holders from other countries must obtain a Visitor Visa prior to their trip to the United Kingdom.

The Home Office has listed nationalities that must apply for a Visit Visa before traveling to the UK as a Visitor. However, there are exceptions that allow certain visa nationals to seek entry as a Visitor upon arrival in the UK.

Non-visa nationals are typically able to apply for entry as a Visitor upon reaching the UK. They still need to meet the requirements for entry as a Visitor and should be ready to explain the purpose of their visit, how they will be supported in the UK, and their return travel plans upon arrival.

EU citizens are considered non-visa nationals and can enter the UK as a Visitor without needing to apply for a Visit Visa.

In addition to assisting visa nationals with Visit Visa applications, our solicitors regularly help non-visa nationals meet the requirements for entry as a Visitor upon arrival in the UK.

Work Related Training Visit Visa

The Work Related Training Visit Visa is available for foreign graduates of medical, dental, and nursing schools, as well as for employees of international companies or organizations and employees of overseas training companies.

The training must focus on work practices and techniques that are not accessible in the visitor's home country. The training can be classroom-based, involve familiarization, or observation. While practical training is permitted, it should not constitute 'training on the job' or the visitor taking on a role.

The use of equipment in the UK can be learned by a visitor, but the Home Office will assess the length of the training and verify that there is no possibility of the visitor engaging in work for the company in the UK.

Activities Allowed on a Visit Visa for Work Related Training

Medical, dental, or nursing school graduates from overseas may:

  • Engage in clinical attachments or dental observer positions on the condition that they are not paid, do not require patient care, and are supported by written confirmation of the position and confirmation of no previous similar activity in the UK.
  • Sit for the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board test in the UK, with written confirmation of the test provided by the General Medical Council.
  • Take the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations for overseas in the UK, with written confirmation of the exam provided by the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
  • Participate in clinical attachments or dental observer positions that fulfill the specified requirements.
  • Complete the required tests/examinations in the UK with the necessary written confirmations from the respective councils.

Workers from a foreign company or organization could undergo training from a company or organization based in the UK on work methods and skills necessary for their job abroad and not accessible in their country of origin.

An overseas training company employee could conduct a brief training session for UK company employees, as the trainer is part of an overseas organization that has been hired to provide worldwide training to the international corporate group that includes the UK company.

Work Related Training Visitors, as part of the Standard Visitor route, are allowed to engage in other activities such as permitted paid engagements. It is important to note that any paid engagement must be pre-arranged before entering the UK and must be completed within 30 days of arrival in the country.

Requirement for a Work-related Training Visit Visa when Leaving the UK is Intended

Apart from demonstrating to the Home Office your genuine intention to enter the UK for an authorized reason and meeting the extra eligibility criteria, you must also prove that you will depart the UK after your Work-related Training Visit and will not reside in the UK for prolonged periods by making frequent or successive visits, or establishing the UK as your primary residence.

During the evaluation of your application, the Home Office will take into account various aspects.

  • Your immigration background, such as past visits to the UK and other nations, will be taken into consideration.
  • Your financial situation, along with your family, social, and economic history, will also be evaluated.
  • The connections you have, both personal and economic, to your current country of residence will play a role in the decision-making process.

The Home Office may question the authenticity of your visit if you have limited or no family and financial connections to your country of residence, but have multiple family members in the UK, if you have previously tried to mislead the Home Office in an immigration application, and if there are inconsistencies between your statements and those of your sponsor.

Financial Requirement for Work-Related Training Visit Visa

You must ensure that you have enough funds to cover all necessary expenses for your visit, such as travel, living, and accommodation costs, without relying on work or public funds.

Your finances must be kept in an authorized financial institution.

Should a third party who has a valid personal or professional relationship with you offer to fund your travel, living, and accommodation costs, they are required to adhere to immigration regulations and demonstrate the ability to financially sustain you while you are visiting as a Visitor.

English Language Requirement for Work Related Training Visit Visa

Work Related Training Visit Visa applicants are not required to meet an English language proficiency criteria.

Duration of Visit Visa for Work-Related Training

If you intend to travel to the UK for a Work-related Training Visit, you have the option to apply for a Visit Visa that can be valid for 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years.

You are allowed to travel in and out of the UK multiple times while your Visit Visa is still valid, unless it is specifically marked for single or dual entry.

Please note that each visit to the UK should not surpass 6-months.

Work-Related Training Visa and Right to Work Authorisation

Visitors are not permitted to take part in any work-related training or receive any form of payment from a UK source for work-related activities.

This includes working for an organization, running a business, or providing goods and services in the UK. Work-related Training Visitors can, however, participate in other activities permitted under the Standard Visitor route, such as paid engagements arranged in advance and completed within 30 days of arrival.

Additionally, remote work is allowed as long as it is not the primary purpose of the visit, which should be focused on undertaking approved activities rather than working remotely.

Finally, Work-related Training Visitors can come to the UK to seek employment and attend job interviews, but if a job offer is accepted, they must leave the UK and obtain the necessary entry clearance before starting work.

Application Fees for Work-Related Training Visit Visa

The fee for a Work-related Training Visit Visa for a short stay of up to 6 months is £115, while for visas valid for 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years, the fees are £400, £771, and £963 respectively.