Other Child Visa

Other Child Visa

In the UK, there are alternative immigration options available for children in specific situations. These situations include when a parent has or is being granted temporary permission to enter or stay in the country with the intention of settling, when a parent or relative is already living in the UK with settled status, or when a parent or relative is being admitted for settlement, but not as a Partner or Parent according to the Immigration Rules or as a migrant under the Points-Based System.

Other Child Visa

In the UK, there are alternative immigration options available for children in specific situations. These situations include when a parent has or is being granted temporary permission to enter or stay in the country with the intention of settling, when a parent or relative is already living in the UK with settled status, or when a parent or relative is being admitted for settlement, but not as a Partner or Parent according to the Immigration Rules or as a migrant under the Points-Based System.

If the child's parent is eligible for or is being given leave as a Partner or Parent under Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules, then the child should apply for a Child of a Partner or Parent Visa instead.

If the parent of the child possesses or is being awarded leave as a Points-Based System migrant, then the child should submit an application as a Dependent Child of a Points-Based System (PBS) Migrant instead.

If the child possesses British citizenship, indefinite permission to remain, or any other kind of settlement status in the UK, they are exempt from the requirement to apply for a visa in order to enter the country.

Requirements for a UK Child Visa as the Child of a Parent with Limited Leave to Enter or Remain in the United Kingdom

This route is appropriate for a kid who wishes to accompany a parent who has been or will be given limited permission to enter or stay in the UK on an immigration path that leads to settlement, excluding being a Partner or Parent under Appendix FM or a PBS migrant.

To ensure that your child is eligible for a Child Visa to enter the UK as the offspring of a parent with restricted permission to enter or stay in the UK on a path to settlement (except being a Partner or Parent under Appendix FM or a PBS migrant), you must demonstrate to UK Visas & Immigration that:

  • Your child is under the age of 18 at the date of application;
  • Your child has not formed an independent family unit;
  • Your child is not leading an independent life;
  • Either:
    • One parent is present and settled in the UK or being admitted to the UK on the same occasion for settlement and the other is being, or has been, given limited leave to enter or remain with a view to settlement; or
    • One parent is being, or has been, given leave to enter or remain with a view to settlement, and has had sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing; or
    • One parent is being, or has been, given limited leave to enter or remain with a view to settlement, and there are “serious and compelling family or other considerations” which make the child’s exclusion undesirable, and suitable arrangements have been made for the child’s care;
  • Your child satisfies a financial requirement;
  • Your child satisfies an accommodation requirement.

The specific criteria that your child must meet may differ based on your individual circumstances and those of your child. It is advisable to see an immigration attorney for specialised guidance.

To discuss a Child Visa application for your child with one of our immigration solicitors, contact our UK Child Visa solicitors on 01206500181or complete our enquiry form below.


Requirements for a UK Child Visa as the Child of a Parent or Relative Present and Settled in the United Kingdom or Being Admitted for Settlement in the UK

This pathway is suitable for a minor who wants to gain authorization to enter the UK, accompanied by a parent or relative who is either already living and settled in the UK or is being granted permanent residency in the UK, excluding cases where they are entering as a Partner or Parent under Appendix FM or as a PBS migrant.

In order for your child to be eligible for a Child Visa to enter the UK as the offspring of a parent or relative who is currently residing and established in the UK or is being granted settlement in the UK (excluding as a Partner or Parent under Appendix FM or as a PBS migrant), you must provide UK Visas & Immigration with adequate evidence to demonstrate the following:

  • Your child (or child relative) is under the age of 18 at the date of application;
  • Your child (or child relative) has not formed an independent family unit;
  • Your child (or child relative) is not leading an independent life;
  • Either:
    • Both parents are present and settled in the United Kingdom; or
    • Both parents are being admitted on the same occasion for settlement; or
    • One parent is present and settled in the United Kingdom and the other is being admitted on the same occasion for settlement; or
    • One parent is present and settled in the United Kingdom or being admitted on the same occasion for settlement and the other parent is dead; or
    • One parent is present and settled in the United Kingdom or being admitted on the same occasion for settlement and has had sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing; or
    • One parent or a relative is present and settled in the United Kingdom or being admitted on the same occasion for settlement and there are serious and compelling family or other considerations which make exclusion of the child undesirable and suitable arrangements have been made for the child’s care; 
  • Your child (or child relative) satisfies a financial requirement;
  • Your child (or child relative) satisfies an accommodation requirement.

The specific criteria that your child must meet may differ based on your individual circumstances and those of your child. It is advisable to see an immigration attorney for specialised guidance.

To discuss a Child Visa application with one of our immigration solicitors, contact our UK Child Visa solicitors on 01206500181or complete our enquiry form below.


Child Has Not Formed an Independent Family Unit

In order for your child (or child relative, if they are applying for indefinite leave to visit the UK), they must not be residing autonomously as a member of another household. Generally, this implies that the child should not reside with another home that includes a spouse, civil partner, fiancé, planned civil partner, or unmarried partner. 

Child Is Not Leading an Independent Life

Likewise, a child who is leading a self-sufficient life will not meet the requirements for a Child Visa under the family life restrictions outlined in Part 8 of the Immigration Rules. Consequently, it is required that your child (or child relative, if the youngster is applying for indefinite leave to visit the UK) has not voluntarily established an independent social entity.

In practical terms, this implies that the child will typically reside with their parent(s) or relative, unless they are enrolled in a boarding school, college, or university for full-time education. Additionally, the child should not be engaged in full-time employment and should rely primarily on their parent(s) or relative for both financial and emotional assistance.

Sole Responsibility for the Child’s Upbringing

Sole responsibility refers to a situation when one parent has relinquished their parental duties, leaving the other parent completely accountable for making all significant decisions about the child's daily care and upbringing.

If you have exclusive responsibility, your child will typically reside with you and not their other parent, and you will have had and will continue to have the duty and authority to care for and supervise your child. The Home Office requires thorough and conclusive supporting documentation to verify that you have exclusive responsibility for your child's wellbeing and that no one else shares this responsibility. Our immigration solicitors can provide guidance on the specific documentation needed by the Home Office to establish sole responsibility for a child within a Child Visa application.

Serious and Compelling Family or Other Considerations

When evaluating whether there are significant and compelling family or other factors that make it undesirable to exclude the kid, the Home Office will assess what the child's welfare and best interests necessitate. This rating is extremely dependent on certain facts and details.

An assessment of the child's well-being, including their emotional requirements, will be necessary due to family factors. The family considerations must be of significant gravity and compelling enough to need entry to the UK.

Additional factors to evaluate will include an assessment of any other facets of a child's life that may necessitate their admission. Important factors to evaluate may involve the child's social and economic context, any indications of neglect or abuse, and any other unaddressed needs that the youngster may have. The circumstances, or the combination of circumstances, must be of significant gravity and urgency to necessitate admission.

If the Home Office is to be convinced that appropriate arrangements have been established for the care of the child in the UK, it is necessary to provide strong and convincing reasons based on important family or other factors.

UK Child Visa Financial Requirement

To obtain a UK Child Visa for your child, they must meet certain requirements. These include being the child of a parent who has limited permission to enter or stay in the UK with the intention of settling, or being the child of a parent or relative who is already settled in the UK or is being granted settlement (excluding cases where the parent is a Partner or Parent under Appendix FM or a PBS migrant). Additionally, you must demonstrate to the Home Office that your child will be adequately supported by their parent(s) or relative (if the child is applying for indefinite leave to enter the UK) without relying on public funds.

Adequate maintenance refers to a situation where the estimated weekly income ("A") minus the weekly accommodation expenses ("B") is equal to or greater than the amount the family would receive if they were eligible for income support or a similar benefit ("C"). To determine if the financial savings amount is adequate, divide the entire amount by the number of weeks of limited leave that would be given if the application is approved ("A"). The formula for determining sufficient maintenance is identical to that used for weekly income: A – B ≥ C. We can provide guidance on the calculation and advise you on the specific financial information that needs to be provided.

UK Child Visa Accommodation Requirement

To qualify for a UK Child Visa, your child must meet certain criteria. They must be the child of a parent who has limited permission to enter or stay in the UK and is on a path to settlement. Alternatively, they can be the child of a parent or relative who is already settled in the UK or is being admitted for settlement (excluding cases where the parent is a Partner or Parent under Appendix FM or a PBS migrant). You will need to prove to the Home Office that your child will have suitable accommodation provided by the parent, parents, or relative (if the child is applying for indefinite leave to enter the UK) and that this accommodation will not rely on public funds. The accommodation must be owned or exclusively occupied by the parent, parents, or relative that the child is seeking to join.

Your child must present proof regarding the ownership or occupancy of the property, demonstrating that they have a legal and exclusive right to inhabit it. Additionally, they must ensure that the property will not be overcrowded or violate any public health rules.

Child Visa English Language Requirement 

Applicants for a UK Child Visa are not need to meet an English language criterion.

UK Child Visa Application Fee

The current charge for a UK Child Visa application submitted outside the UK is £1,523, as set by the Home Office. The current charge for switching into the Child Visa category or extending a Child Visa from within the UK is £1,033, as set by the Home Office.